The sender (ultrasonic high power burst generator UPU3000) can generate bursts with 50 or 30kHz frequency, 1kW power and 1000V amplitude. It is also able to measure all signal parameters and transmit this data to the control unit.
The receiver (Ultrasonic high sensitivity receiver UPU3000) can receive and amplify ultrasonic signals with 50 or 30kHz frequency, with very high selectivity and maximum 100 dB amplification.
To check wood-based panels for unbonded areas and air voids, an ultrasound signal is sent through the panel. In the case of a high-quality panel, the receiver will register about 10 % of the original signal.Unbonded areas or air voids within the panel deaden the ultrasound signal so that only about 1 % of the original signal is received.
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